The new cat hates us.

Coffee and Blackberry

“Be like a duck, paddling and working very hard inside the water, but what everyone sees is a smiling and calm face.”  ― Manoj Arora, From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom

My life is summed up by these great ideas... and by great, I mean I have an idea and just run with it. I try so hard it actually is painful sometimes. Those around me have no doubt that I love them, but they also have no doubt that I am a slight bit not all there upstairs. My heart is much more powerful than my head I suppose would be the right way to explain it. Not that I am not intelligent, but the little person in my head that is kind and loving is just kind of an overpowering ass. I know the consequences and the risks, but I just do it if my heart says to. This type of passion makes for great moments and substantial errors. The recent is the new cat... Toothless. 

Number 3. That is what I will refer to my kids as (1,2,and 3 in order of age). Number 3 is my little partner in crime. She shares similarities in the ways of passion. She is at the age that no matter what happens that is not in her favor, it is a complete social injustice. She cries when she tells anyone why she is frustrated. She gives the silent treatment.... She isn't perfect, but good thing that is not what the blog is about. She is the coolest daughter anyone could ask for (not biased statement based upon blind love). 

So, the kid wants a cat that looks like Toothless from the movie. Easy enough. Black with green/yellow eyes. So, like a cool fake mom (the reason for this Stepmom nickname we will come back to another time), I search far and wide for a special orphan kitty that we can take in and Number 3 can get her dream of training a wild animal. Just like Hiccup in the movie. What a great dream- in theory. I find this cat on craigslist. I wish the post was still active or I had a screenshot of it at least. A local lady was getting rid of the cat. 

"About a year old. Great with dogs and friendly. I want her to get fixed and can't afford it." A seemingly honest post. 

So, here I go to get the cat. Yay. I am now at a strange animal ladies house. I ask in person why she would get rid of the critter. She informs me of all of the other animals she is hoarding in the home. If she wouldn't have told me, I would have been perfectly fine.... I could definitely smell all of them. It was an overwhelming and terrible perfume and cigarettes type of smell. You know when you just can't get a smell out of your nose no matter what you do? It is a memory that I would prefer to soon fade. So, she comes with all this gear. A pink kennel- cute. A bowl and food. A litter box and scoop. Oh what a loved kitty! This is going to be great for number 3! I am doing so great- yay! The cat rides great in the car. She doesn't make a peep in her kennel. She isn't doing the normal cat scream every .25 miles. I am so pleased with myself at this point. The cat loves me. I have made a great contribution to her life and mine. Now number 3 can tame the Toothless. She can live her Hiccup dream. No. Long story short, I have gotten scratched, donkey kicked, washed 5 blankets with cat pee on them, and broken up 3 fights between her and my other cats- who really just want to be her friend. Was Toothless a demon at first? Oh yes, he did need some work. At this point, I am a prisoner to this new feline. She hides under my stove in the little cat area and when I am reaching for things, she swats at my hands. She frequently makes a terrible throat sound that gives me fear equivalent to that time I banished my Furby to the closet and he would wake up in the middle of the night and wail, "FURRRBBYYY. WAAAAAAA!" 

Toothless is hanging in there by a thread. Thanks a lot Craigslist lady. This cat is not good with dogs by the way... Poor pups thought it was a snuggle kitty, but they were not informed that some cats crawl out of the depths of hell and are not interested in their snuggly dreams. 

Now, as a long time sufferer of social anxiety, I am going to hang in there with Toothless until I am sure she will hate me forever. Maybe this wasn't a great idea... However, Number 3 and I have bonded a bit over this difficulty in our life completely brought on by myself. Win. 


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